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Code of Ethics

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This Code of Ethics in Research are general principles of ethical conduct to guide scholars toward the highest ideals of scholarly research. The principles represent aspirational goals and delineate enforceable standards that should direct researchers to an ethical course of action. Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, who are employees of DJSCE shall abide by and conform to the following ethical standards:

  • Conduct all research activities in accordance with the accepted standards.
  • Refrain from accepting or undertaking research assignments requiring competencies that we do not have, unless collaborating with or being supervised by a more knowledgeable scholar.
  • Avoid claiming or implying a degree of research competency that we do not possess in proposals, job applications, resumes, or in the ordinary conduct of affairs.
  • Ensure that only the correct data, information, and research results shall be reported in journals, conferences, and reports to clients in case of commissioned research.
  • Not to plagiarize; that is, to present portions of other’s report or data as our own, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally.
  • Appropriately attribute and credit to others their accomplishments and research results which we may have utilized in our own research.
  • Cite clearly all sources of information and data that we use which are not the results of our own research. Give proper acknowledgment and credit to resource/funding sources of our research.
  • Keep detailed and complete records of our research undertaking. Be transparent in the use and disbursement of resources for our research.
  • Declare promptly any conflict of interest in our engagement in research and presentation of research results.
  • Take diligent care of equipment, material resources, and results.
  • Call the attention of the public and the authorities to any hazard we observe that threatens human and environmental safety.
  • Inform the community of scientific knowledge pertaining to human practices, attitudes, events, and other phenomena that present unequivocal and significant risk or benefit to human welfare.
  • Observe safety practices in all our research activities.