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2nd Year Direct
Fee Structure
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Eligibility Criteria
Document Required
Admission Process
Cancellation Policy
M.Tech Admissions
Ph.D. Admissions
Admission Details
UG Programs
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
Information Technology
Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science
Computer Science and Engineering
(IOT and Cyber Security with Block Chain Technology)
Chemical Engineering (Discontinued)
Electronics Engineering (Discontinued)
Production Engineering (Discontinued)
Biomedical Engineering (Discontinued)
PG Programs
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Research Centers
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Science & Humanities
Research Policy
Code of Ethics
Ethics Commitee
Ph.D Students
Research Assessment Commitees
Academic Calendars
B.Tech. (Sem IV, VI and VIII - Even Sem) A.Y. 2024-25
B.Tech. & M.Tech. (Sem II - Even Sem) A.Y. 2024-25
Revised Academic Calendar - First Year (Sem. I)
A.Y. 2024-2025 (Odd Sem - Sem III, V, VII)
Academic Calendars - A.Y. 2023-24
Patents/Design Registration/Copyrights
Design Registration
Course Outcome
Exam Annual report - A.Y. 2023-24
Exam Application documents
Exam Manual
NSDL web portal
Student Support
Soft Skill Training
Grievance Cell
Scholarship Notice of A.Y. 2024-25
Notice for Scholarships for A.Y. 2024-25
Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship 2023-24
Scholarship or Freeship Brochure
Honours / Minor Degree Programs Booklet (from A.Y. 2022-23 onwards)
Class Timetables - Even semester (A.Y. 2023-24)
Institution's Innovation Council (IIC)
National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP)
Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)
Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness (KAPILA)
YUKTI – National Innovation Repository (NIR)
Smart India Hackathon (SIH)
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Admission Process
Cancellation Policy
2nd Year Direct
Fee Structure
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Eligibility Criteria
Document Required
Admission Process
Cancellation Policy
M.Tech Admissions
Ph.D. Admissions
Admission Details
UG Programs
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
Information Technology
Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science
Computer Science and Engineering
(IOT and Cyber Security with Block Chain Technology)
Chemical Engineering (Discontinued)
Electronics Engineering (Discontinued)
Production Engineering (Discontinued)
Biomedical Engineering (Discontinued)
PG Programs
Electronics and Telecommunication Engg
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Research Centers
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Science & Humanities
Research Policy
Code of Ethics
Ethics Commitee
Ph.D Students
Research Assessment Commitees
Academic Calendars
B.Tech. (Sem IV, VI and VIII - Even Sem) A.Y. 2024-25
B.Tech. & M.Tech. (Sem II - Even Sem) A.Y. 2024-25
Revised Academic Calendar - First Year (Sem. I)
A.Y. 2024-2025 (Odd Sem - Sem III, V, VII)
Academic Calendars - A.Y. 2023-24
Patents/Design Registration/Copyrights
Design Registration
Course Outcome
Exam Annual report - A.Y. 2023-24
Exam Application documents
Exam Manual
NSDL web portal
Student Support
Soft Skill Training
Grievance Cell
Scholarship Notice of A.Y. 2024-25
Notice for Scholarships for A.Y. 2024-25
Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship 2023-24
Scholarship or Freeship Brochure
Honours / Minor Degree Programs Booklet (from A.Y. 2022-23 onwards)
Class Timetables - Even semester (A.Y. 2023-24)
Institution's Innovation Council (IIC)
National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP)
Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)
Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness (KAPILA)
YUKTI – National Innovation Repository (NIR)
Smart India Hackathon (SIH)
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Computer Engineering (UG)
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The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2021-2022)
Legal Document Clustering, Information Retrieval and Analysis
Emotion Analysis in a Livestreaming Environment
Tabular Data Recognition and Extraction from printed and handwritten Images
A framework for social media opinion mining for low resource Marathi text
An application that would help the blind to learn and code in various languages, using speech-to-text and NLP
YouTube ChromeExtension
Blockchain-based Federated Learning platform for Differentially Private Healthcare Data
Move More - A Virtual Physiotherapy Solution
An NLP-Based Assistive tool for Autistic and Mentally
Retarded Children: An Initial Attempt
Detection of learning disability traits in children
Portfolio Analysis and Response using NLP Smart Bot
Ethnicity based Text to Speech generator
MyEyes (An App for blind)
Visual - Audio based Deepfake Detection
Analysis of Audio Data using Quantum Machine Learning
Intelligent Traffic Management System
Quadratic Funding of Public Commodities
Adaptive LPR based framework for detection of over speeding vehicles
Analysis of microexpressions
Infant Expression Recognition
Sarcasm Detection in texts using AI
Find missing person using AI
Explainable AI for Time Series Model Interpretability
Music Recommendation based on Image Analysis
Incisive Analysis of Emotional Quotient of a Person using Audio Visual Data
Navigation of 3D Medical data during surgery using Hand Gestures
Abnormality Detection and Localization in Chest X-Rays
Plant Disease Prediction System
Information retrieval, classification and synopsisof newspaper articles.
Vision Acolyte
Classification of Diseases and Causal Insights based on Patient Symptoms
Simplifying Policy Documents using machine reading comprehension and open domain
Insurance eligibility and cost prediction, probability of contracting disease based on the Blood Report Analysis
Design and Implementation of Real Time Risk Detection during COVID19 Pandemic
Depression Detection and Control System
Non invasive blood Hemoglobin Detection
Algorithmic trading bot based on ML and twitter sentiment analysis for equity/ bonds/ derivatives/ mutual funds/ cryptocurrency.
Framework to allow Machine Learning Models to use Federated Learning
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2020-2021)
Knowledge extraction from transcript of video.
Successive Image and Text Generation from a Sentence
Personal Research Assistant (PRA) Product
Detection of Early Onset of Cognitive Impairment Diseasesthrough Handwriting Analysis
Supply Chain Management
Financial statement Information Extraction
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Smart Prosthetics
Simulating Virtual Ecosystem
All-In-One Pentesting tool
Facial sketch generation for suspect identification
ResQ–Smart Safety Band
Analysis of Aquatic Quality And Marine Life Sustainability
Fashion Image Classification, Segmentation, Search and Synthetic Image Augmentation
Natural Language to Sql
OcuBot - Image based Dialog for Visually Impaired
Detection of gravitational wavesfrom Binary Black Hole merger and Binary Neutron Star mergerand parameter estimation using deep learning.
Multimedia Forgery Detection using Deep Learning
Park It! Smart Car parking System
Knowledge Tracing in Students’ E-learning Process
BOL.IO: Synthesis and Recognition of Indian Sign Language from and to text/speech
Epidemic Outbreak Detection portal for Travellers
Xeyes: A hands-free computer navigation system
Landmark Recognition
Handwriting Cloning and Personality analysis
CAFE -Programming Language
Deep learning approach to detect Real world Anomalies in Surveillance videos.
E Voting Using Blockchain Technology
Hidden Recipes Inside your Fridge
Computer Vision Based Fire Detection with Video Alert System
Origami - Speech audio to Face Image
Touchless interfaces using deep learning and depth-sensing cameras
GARDUINO (Smart-Gardening using IoT)
EEG-based Biometric Authentication System Using Deep Learning
Model for Classification and prediction of Cardiovascular disease using Machine Learning
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2019-2020)
Neural Story Generation
Shop and Go: An Innovative approach towards shopping using Deep Learning and Computer Vision
Alpha Hand Cricket
EyeRis- A virtual eye to aid the visually impaired
DOPAMINE: Music Generation Software
Document Summarization using Graph based Methodology
Air Quality Assessment usimg CCTV camera feed from Traffic signals
Automating the generation of ICD codes from medical records
Image Based Handwritten Equation Evaluation
Sub-playlist creation based on mood using Facial Recognition
Essay Grading System
Indian Sign Language interpretation and sentence formation
Image Captioninhg and Refinement for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Safety of two wheeler riders using helmet detection
Validity and Integrity check in supply chain management using Blockchain
Intelligent Computing Approach to Optimise Restaurant Search in a Discrete Feature Space
Image Modification using text with GANs
Sketch to Image Translation using cycle GAN
Audio Tagging for Emotion Detection
Financial Portfolio Management
Depression Detection from smart phone usage using Machine Learning
Home Security System
Seedling: A gamified approach to plant education for children
Meeting Transcription and Summarisation using diarisation
Video Analysis with Captioning and Summarisation
American Sign Language Interpretation and Text Formulation
Homomorphic solution for securing applications
Texture Synthesis and Style Transfer for Aesthetic Design Creation
Medical Image Synthesis using GANs
Vehicle Damage Detection
English Language Accent Classification and Coversion using Machine Learning
Digitalised Land records using BlockChain
Automatic Colorization of Grayscale videos usin Deep Learning
Seizure Predictions Using Intracanial Recordings
Predictive Model to determine Life Expectancy post Surgery
Billboard Rate Evaluator
Blood analysis using Image Processing and Machine Learning
Waste Segregation using Image Processing
Fewshot Meta Learning for Mobility Applications
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2018-2019)
Side Channel Attacks
Network Traffic Identification using Deep Learning
Autonomous Tagging of Text Data using Machine Learning
Heart Disease Predictor
Design and Implementation of Intrusion Detection System in the Network using Machine Learning Approach.
Design and Implemetation of Library Shelf Management System using Machine Learning and Internet of Things
Secure authentication mechanism in Automated Toll system
Secure Key Management Scheme in IoT Based Application
Data Integrity Assessment in E-Health Care System using Hashing Mechanism
Detecting and Adapting to Concept Drift for Improving Classification in Imbalanced Datastreams
SSL Based Classification for Imbalanced Data Streams
Smart Expense Management System
Adaptive Mapper for Hybrid Data Layer
Music Synthesis
Roubust Intrusion Detection System under Adversarial Drift
Student Intellect Assessment using Deep Learning
Simultaneous 2D and 3D pose estimation and action recognition
Automated Question Generation and Answer Verification for Visual Data
Trajectory Enrichment for Incremental Location Prediction
User Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Movement Data
India's Crime Prediction Model
3D Layout Generation of a Room from 2D Images
Determination of Image Specificity
DRISE: Diabetic Retinopathy Identification and Severity Evaluation
Optimization of Taxi Revenue
AI Judge : An Intelligent Justice System
Generating Photo Realistic Image from Given Text Description
Computation of Mathematical Equation using Gestures
Hunt for Exoplanets
Manipulation of N Dimensional Arrays
Abnormalities Detection in Human Body by Processing Medical Image
Speech/Text to American Sign Language
Secure Peer to Peer File Sharing
Algorithm Trading of Cryptocurrency Based on Sentiment Analysis
Decentralized Trading Exchange for Bitshares and Bitshare assets
Identifying Involvement of People in Legal Matters using Artificial Intelligence.
Semantic Question Pairing using Deep Learning.
Mastering Atari Games using Reinforcement Learning
Answering Questions in Natural Language about Images using Deep Learning
Loan Outcome Prediction Based on Macro-Economic Parameters
Medical Image Classification using Machine Learning Techniques
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2017-2018)
Identifying Potential Cyber bullying Tweets Using a Hybrid Approach in Sentiment Analysis
Trend Analysis for Bio-Diversity Detection in Mountain areas.
Weather and flood prediction using DM
Self Driving Car in a Simulated Environment
Automated Surveillance System for Hotels
Data Integration for Finding Inferences in Financial Applications
Design and Implementation of Neuromuscular Stimulation to Bypass Nerves System
Self Driving Remote controlled car using Raspberry-Pi
Smart Meter Data Compression and Pattern Extraction
Oculus- Vision for blind
Lightweight Authentication and Encryption mechanism for Low Power and Lossy Networks
Learning to classify imbalance data streams with concept drift
Learning to classify imbalanced data streams for binary classification
Multiclass classification for imbalanced data streams
Risk Calculation Model for heart rate monitoring and prediction
Risk calculation for categorizing the genuinity of a medical professional
SmartTrainer: A virtual guide for exercises.
Prediction of Personality based on handwriting
Automated essay generation
Context based question answering using deep learning
Automatic Detection of Fake News
Human Understanding Analyzer
Lifestyle Based Disease Prediction
Real Time Traffic Signal Scheduling Using Traffic Density
Prediction of Insurance Policies
Real Time Disaster Detection Using Social Media
Review Generation of video clips for childern
3D visualization and colorization of MRI
Attention monitoring system
Dermatological disease detection
Game Automation by Reinforcement Learning
Safe Driving System
Playing Atari Game using Deep reinforment learning.
Multiclass emotion analysis
Calamity evacuation using social n/w
Movie Genre Classification using posters
End to end sentence level lip reading
Calorie Estimation From Fast Food Images
Resource Allocation System for a Multi-VM Based Cloud
Hybrid Conversation Model Using Reinforcement Learning
Secure QR code based Authentication
Automated Answering Evaluation for Subjective Examination.
Generating Photo realistic images from text using deep learning
Use of augmented reality in educational applications
Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Structural MRI Data using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)
Malware signature generation using taint graphs
Audio recording and data mining to detect anthropogenic disasters and to increse response time
Personalized travel sequence recommendation on multi source big social media
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2016-2017)
Detecting product review spammer, removal of fake reviews and summarization of legitimate reviews.
Prediction of online sales and purchase from retailer and customer point of view.
Virtual try on based on person's 2D image.
Abstractive summarization using natural language generation.
Landmark recognition using ML.
Anaphoric resolution for Marathi/Hindi language.
Point cloud generation using triangulation.
Predicting air pollution in cities.
Adaptive e-learning
Data Mining techniques to determine consumer credit risk.
To predict cut-off of marks for admission in engineering colleges.
Playing Atari Game (Break out) with Deep reinforment learning.
Implement a system to solve rubik's cube.
To implement graduate application evaluation system.
A.E.G.I.S. (An efficiant generic intelligent system)
Agro Analytics.
A mobile without a processing unit.
Smart Assistant
A driver behaviour recognition method on a driver model framework.
Smart Navigation.
Tracking and monitoring entities.
AIR - Artificial Intelligence Robonaate.
Document classification using NLP.
BabyTalk: Understanding and generating simple image description.
Extraction of music notes and generation of music using IP.
Traffic density Detetion.
Mobile reader for visually impaired people.
Water quality measurement system.
Classification of accents of non native and native english speakers.
Portable midi controller using ENG based individual finger motion classification
Implementing block chain architecture in IOT
Implementation of AI chatbot which will provide solution to queries related to banks.
Social Network Analysis of twitter data to cluster customer base and sentiment expression via emoticons.
Automated caption generator for images.
Waste seperator BOT.
3D facial reconstruction of diseased person
Code Runner : Recognizing and executing hand written code.
Automatic spam and phishing detection in email
Smart Parking System
Personalized learning material for students with special needs using machine Learning
Analyzing user behaviour using keystroke dynamics.
Personality identification using social media.
Question paper generation using Blooms Taxanomy
Quadcopter UAV for fertilizers and pesticides spraying.
Smart Grid
Deep learning in natural language dialogues model.
Drishti - A real time IOT belt with depth perception and object recognition in IOT
Predict next questions in interview
Parallel active dictionary attack on WPA 2- PSK wifi network
Green Geographical Load Balancing
The list of projects undertaken by B.E. students (2015-2016)
Bluetooth based file encryption system using modified key exchange algorithm.
Location aware dissemination of data in mobile environment
Query processing in mobile environment
Intelligent routing for Wireless Sensor Network
Internet of Things in medical healthcare
Implementing the internet of things in wireless sensor network
Prediction and Visualization of user's tendency towards purchases using click stream data
Adaptive sorting technique using Machine Learning
Sentiment Analysis performed on tweets to detect emotions behind ambiguous phrases
Advanced Irrigation of Agricultural Land
Implementation of image capturing technique using eye blink detection system
Bus alert system for visually impaired
Face recognition based on frontal view
Handwriting BOT
Suggesting fragrances based on mood and gender recognition
Detection and Correction of errors in C Programs
Discovering elite users and routing questions in Q/A community
Generation of pathology reference intervals for Indian population
Predicting Football Match Winner
Voice driven dynamic generation of web pages
Sandboxing in Linux
Automatic detection of plagiarism using NLP and text mining
Narrative Intelligence
Using natural language processing to create SQL queries
Automatic text summarization of documents
Strengthening of user authentication for mobile devices using keystroke dynamics
Wikipedia Vandalism detection system
Trigger system for sales prediction using data mining techniques
Spam Detection System for Videos
Deep Analysis of ontologies with protégé
Analysis of student's performance using business intelligence
Crime detection using data mining
Profiling and Jury selection using opinion mining
Language translation for tourists
Automated travelling itinerary system
Event localization from social network feed using HDFS
Smart response system using speech emotion recognition
Ease of readability for dyslexic people
Urban Planning using HADOOP
Interpretation of Indian sign language through video streaming
3D visualization of products for online shopping
Pool ball trajectory detector
Detection of landing area for unmanned aerial vehicles
Face Aging Simulation
Automated Essay Grader
Human voice impersonation
Weather optimized routing algorithm for aircrafts
Predicting Hit songs with MIDI Musical Features
Voice Controlled Wheel Chair
The list of projects undertaken by B.E. students (2014-2015)
Detection and Prevention of key generation attack on AES algorithm
A design and implementation of a new optimized protocol for MANET
Automatic error analysis and grammar correction in machine translation.
M.O.M. - Mother on a Mission, Game development in flash
Safe Walk- Safe navigation in urban areas.
Securing computer / laptop device using Blutooth Technology and One-Time Password.
Optimizing Ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing
Duplicate File Finder using Contextual matching
Voice commands and Gesture commandsin Linux Distribution
Applications of influence propagation in viral marketing.
Machine Learning algorithm for Intelligent Email Sorting.
Air Writing - alphanumeric character recognition.
Auto colorization of gray scale images using machine learning.
Keyword extraction using neural networks
Optimizing Duckworth Lewis method using Machine Learning
Blind Man Stick using micro controller
RFID based students attendance management system.
Smart power saving system using Home Automation.
Finger writing in the air using a kinect
Virtual Ocular Reality.
Telepresence remote for physically handicapped.
Brain Computer Interface.
A Hybrid Approach for predicting users future request using FP tree
MediHelp - An Ontology based question answering system for medicines
Enhancing brand visibility by identifying influencers.
A generic approach for team selection in multi player games using genetic algorithm
Relevance based sorting of Forum Responses
Disambiguation of user search query
Author Profiling of anonymous text.
Reducing Ambulance Response Time using CEP
An SVM based analysis of Indian Rupees.
Personalized image search for photo sharing website.
Dynamic Taxi Ridesharing Service
Voice automated computer for the visually impaired.
Fuzzy search engine based on fuzzy ontology and semantic search.
Sentiment Analysis to Improve Emotional Health of User
Human Activity Recognition in Videos.
The list of projects undertaken by B.E. students (2013-2014)
Fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing
Wi-Fi triangulation, positioning and authentication on Spatial data
Data Visualization and Knowledge Discovery for Analyzing Trends in Social Media
Content Extraction using Document Object Model and Text Density for Web
Object Detection in Cloud using Distributed Network
Implementation of an Adaptive Routing and Congestion Control Algorithm for Route Guidance
Optimizing utilization of Energy Resources using Adaptive Business Intellignce
Opimization of SCADA using Adaptive Business Intelligence
Virus Detection using Neural Networks
Author's Miner
Efficient Analystics of Ordered Datasets using MapReduce and Cassandra
Bomb Diffusing Robot
Automated Rationing for Public Distribution System
Interactive Mirror Development
Recognize Specific Hand Gesture to display Umpire Decision on LCD
Xpod - An Emotion Based Music Player
ChatterBot using AIML
Detection of Breast Cancer in Mammogram using Image Processing
Web Portal for Community Benefits
Enhancing a Video-Enabled Web Browser for the Visually Impaired
Review Mining using NLP
Web Mining based University Search Portal
An Exploration of Recommender System using Collaborative Filtering
Credit Card Fraud Detection
Intelligent Algorithms to ease the Healthcare Industry
Intelligent Stock Market Assistant using Improved UP Growth Algorithm
Home Automation System
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2012-2013)
Design and analysis of "SVKT” Encryption algorithm
An ideal approach for detection and prevention of phishing attacks
NFC based advanced attendance supervision system with support for e-notice board
Smart Automated Room
Wireless Sensor Networks
Product Segregation and Dispatch Automation
Optimization of Data Allocation Algorithms for Mobile Value Added Services
Optimization of Mobile Databases to support mobile services globally
Video Compression Technique Over Streaming Technology
Efficient Compression of Encrypted Grayscale Images
Security in Eye OS
ANT colony optimization technique in network routing
A distributed approach for Count Distribution Algorithm
A machine learning approach for detection of phishing attacks
Code Generator for MultiTouch gestures
USB Data Acquisition System using ARM7
EaTable – Restaurant Management using Surface Computing
Optimization of FCFS based resource provisioning algorithm for Cloud Computing
Cloud Management Platform
Virtual Agent for E-commerce websites
SCISSOR: Auto-extraction to boost document scanning
Sentiment Analysis – Measuring Opinions
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2011-2012)
Multi-modal gesture recognition system
Campus News Information System
Prevention of Session Hijacking
Automated Car Parking System
Registration of Digital Mammography Images
Intelligent Network Sniffer using Data Mining Techniques
Honeypot Intrusion Detection System
A Privacy Preserving Location Monitoring System for Mobile Phones
Data Transfer from USB to Micro SD Card
Intelligent Deep Web Crawler
ARMO - Association Rule Mining using Ontology
Personalized Query Processing on Mobile Devices using MVAS
Computer Operation By Hand Gestures
Mobile Portal for Asset Management
Iris Recognition
Subtitle Generation using Speech Recognition
Network based Intrusion Detection System
Android OS Security and threat analysis
3-D Password Authentication
Preventing Man-in-the Middle Attack by avoiding ARP Poisoning
Wifi Protected Access 2 (WAP2)
Secured Mobilized Banking
Placement Aware Mobile Devices
Driver’s Drowsiness Detection System
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2010-2011)
Adding Interactivity to E-learning Through Gesture Recognition
Business Intelligent Solution for Retail Industry
System Security Using IP camera
Application of Data mining in Mobile Computing
Cascaded Payment System in P2P Network
Intelligent Agent For Mobile Value Added services
Offline Handwritten Signature Verification
Modeling of wireless channel Propagation Models for IEEE 802.16
Estimation of Synchronization Error in OFDM Based Communication System
Semantic BASED Video Retrieval System
A QoS Provisioning Scheme for Voice and Data Traffic Over WLAN
Invite Replay Attack on VoIP System and Its Application
Driving Direction on Mobile with Voice Commands
Robotic Arm Emulation
Semantic Based web Image Retrieval
Cloud Computing featuring Ontology
Optimization of Network Flow Using Distributed System (Hadoop)
Piano/ Electronic keyboard tutor with illuminated keys
Hybrid Storage System
Context Aware Personalized Application For Mobile Device
Web Filtering Software
Personalized OS Scheduling Using Mining Techniques
GRASPâ€Gesture Recognition and Sound Production
UID Application Using Service Oriented Architecture
The List Of Projects Undertaken By B.E. Students (2009-2010)
Development of a Public Cloud
Mobile and Web based Enterprise Resource Planning System
An optical character recognition and Text to speech based embedded system to aid reading for the blind
Virtual Keyboard
Intelligent Document Matching System
3D Scene development and analysis using parallel processing
Desktop File Browser and Multimedia Streaming on a mobile device
Intrusion detection using realâ€time data mining
Application of clustering dataâ€mining algorithms to design recommendation engine for Twitter
Automated Surveillance System
Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks for Tracking Forest Fire
Bus Schedule Indicator
Dynamic Traffic Control System
Biometric Attendance Tracking System
Development of Network Controller application
Automation of Business Process Management
Sms and bluetooth based home appliance control and security system
Performance analysis and design of grid scheduling algorithms
Funded Projects
Funded Projects
Published Work
Academic Year 2018-2019
Academic Year 2017-2018